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Why does the igus Robot Control software not connect with the controller?
Articles & How To's
Robots for events, trade shows and product presentations

You can't see how you can use a robot for events or product presentations? Be inspired by the following examples.
Read moreRobot with camera system — A solution in 6 steps

A robot needs a camera system! Or does it? This text will tell you when Robot Vision makes sense and how to choose the right camera.
Read moreBuying industrial robots–5 tips for making the right choice

You want to buy an industrial robot, but are unsure what to bear in mind when choosing? We've summarised five tips for selecting the right robot.
Read morePick and place robots for automated processes from £11,723

A pick-and-place robot transports an object from location A to location B. These are often repetitive and time-consuming activities.
Read moreAutomated quality control – Testing more efficiently and cost-effectively from £8,674

With an automated quality control repetitive inspection processes can be carried out efficiently and precisely using robots.
Read moreGluing and dosing with low-cost robots from £6,796

You can efficiently automate dispensing tasks with robots. For example the application of adhesives, sealants, paints and insulating foams.
Read moreSubsidy for automation and digitalization - Get your grant now!

Most German states independently promote the purchase of robotic components for the automation and digitization of manufacturing processes.
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